I’ll Have Cheetos with That

Brand collaborations are taking the world by storm. They’re ubiquitous, but not necessarily a recent phenomenon. The first known brand collaboration was between Wedgewood, the fine china maker and the British Royal Family in the 1760s. But, I’m confident that collaboration included nothing like some of the most popular collaborations in the past couple of […]
It’s No Carnegie Hall

In the 21st century technology is showing us ways to be with, talk with, work with and, create with people we’ve never met.
Just Don’t Stick Them Up Your Nose

If we are flexible enough, we can work “with” almost anything life throws at us.
My Catch, Your Ball

We have opportunities every day to interact with people and to make a difference in their day. Sometimes hitting a home run is more about seizing the opportunity to make someone else’s day better. Are we taking the opportunities in our daily lives to hit a home run?
I Could “Design” a Landing

Some of the best “work with me” scenarios happen spontaneously out of necessity.
Tangled Hair

Mundane doesn’t mean meaningless and put on the back burner. Mundane matters.
Layla is a Star

I like eggs. I like them fried, scrambled, poached, over easy, in Eggs Benedict but I like them best soft boiled–6 minutes in a rolling boil then into the egg cup, off with their metaphorical “heads” and into the perfectly soft yolk with some well buttered toast–sliced in narrow strips in what the British call […]
Shoeless and Famous

Most people who follow jazz music and its history will acknowledge that Billie Holiday is one of the greats. She had a smoky, pleading, almost heart-breaking style of singing. Not surprising when you know how difficult both her childhood and adult life would be. The pain of her life became the pain in her voice. […]
Shoulder to Shoulder and Book by Book

As reported in a recent online article on www.npr.org sometimes the best way to move, especially if you’re having to move because you can’t afford to be where you are, lies in moving for free–since you’re already run out of money. October Books, in Southampton, England, had been at their location since 1977. As a […]
Flipping for Friendship

A few weeks ago, my wife’s social media feed included a short video of a group of tiny turtles rushing to the aid of one of their buddies who’d flipped onto his back and couldn’t get right-sided. Not only was the video both fascinating and heart-warming (they got their buddy back on her feet), but […]