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Canadian Partner Certification
January 2024

This past weekend we were honored to conduct a two day certification workshop for members of our Canadian partner team. 
Held at the luxurious Kingbridge Conference Centre north of Toronto, we enjoyed a wonderful weekend of learning, sharing, food, friendship, laughter and a few tears.
We are thrilled for the progress and the potential for the Connection workshop across Canada. 
Special thanks to Donna and Horst for their leadership. 

Certificate Training for "Connection Cures Contention"

We are thrilled to announce that our company is certifying consultants in Canada and helping to grow the team! 

This team of industry proven professionals who represent decades of individual and collective experience are ready and able to take the “Connection” message and the organizational deliverables to the Canadian market.

Thanks for joining us on the team to level up your professional journey with Avec-Me!

Silicon Slopes Series on Mental Health
January 2024

Avec-me is excited to partner with Promise 2 Live and Silicon Slopes in a series of monthly town halls  focused on mental health. As experts in “connection” and with a desire to show how connection contributes to mental health we have joined Brandy and her team in showing how organizations, communities and individuals can work together to provide critical assistance in this arena.


Mental health is an essential aspect of our overall well-being, and it requires attention and care for the Silicon Slopes community. Addressing mental health concerns involves various approaches, including support from different aspects of our lives. In this event, we will delve into the experiences and perspectives of individuals who have different expertise to help us grow. Let’s explore their insights and learn how we can incorporate their practices into our own lives.



Brandy Vega- Mental – Making the Promise2Live supports my mental health.


Cynthia Gambill- Physical – Caring for my body supports my mental health.


Richard Godfrey- Social – Making quality connections supports my mental health.


Tom Telford- Emotional – Giving grace to myself and others supports my mental health.


John Dye- Spiritual – Relating to a higher power supports my mental health.


Dr. Dave Morgan- An holistic approach to mental health.



Coming Soon "Tech Connect"

Welcome to our book “Tech Connect” about how to bridge the world with technology teams and bring them out of the stone age! In today’s world, effective communication is key to success in any team, and technology teams are the ones that need the most help. In this book, we explore how technology teams can connect with people, build meaningful relationships in the company, and use effective communication to work closer together.

We understand that communicating and making connections can be challenging, and sometimes even scary. However, the “WITH” strategies and simple steps can help you gain the skills you need to overcome these fears and start building stronger relationships with your team members and colleagues. Together, we can bring technology and people together and “Connect Your Tech”!

Silicon Slopes
Promise2Live - Connection Cures Contention

Last week, we were joined by several leaders in Utah to participate in the Silicon Slopes & Promise2Live Mental Health Town Hall.

We are currently in the middle of a mental health pandemic. We’re losing too many people too soon.

This town hall provided some really great resources to help those who may be struggling or those who want to help others who are struggling.

Together, we can work to end the stigma around mental health and help those around us.

If you or a loved one is struggling, please call 988.
leafless tree on snow covered ground

Canadian Reseller - Pulse by DNK
January 2024

We are thrilled to announce that our company is certifying consultants in Canada and helping to grow the team! 

This team of industry proven professionals who represent decades of individual and collective experience are ready and able to take the “Connection” message and the organizational deliverables to the Canadian market.

Thanks for joining us on the team to level up your professional journey with Avec-Me!

time-lapse photography of river

Coming Soon workbook "The Mosaic of Me"

Welcome to “The Mosaic of Me” another installment in the Connection Series of books.  

This workbook provides an interactive invitation to view the connections that create the unique, personal mosaic of a life.  While it parallels many of the concepts presented in Connection Cures Contention, this format metaphorically explores how you can create a personal “mosaic” representing your life, by building out the very human connections you’ve made and lost on your life’s journey.

Wherever you might find yourself, a little bit flawed and a little bit amazing, a little bit too busy and a little bit calm,  or maybe feeling a little bit late for everything, I invite you to run a bath, play your favorite music, pour that perfect  glass of wine and begin the work of connecting and creating all the pieces of an amazing mosaic that is you.  


Dr. Camie Platt Hodlmair, DPT, is the Vice President of Community Relations for Avec Me.


Dr. Hodlmair is an experienced professional specializing in advocacy and community relations. At her core, Hodlmair is a tenacious builder of partnerships and an inclusive connector of people from diverse backgrounds. Her broad work in healthcare, public relations, and event organization generously combine to magnify her understanding of community needs and ability to implement useful programs and systems to solve those needs. 

Silicon Slopes - Mental Health Panel
December 2023

Last week, we were joined by several leaders in Utah to participate in the Silicon Slopes & Promise2Live Mental Health Town Hall.

We are currently in the middle of a mental health pandemic. We’re losing too many people too soon.

This town hall provided some really great resources to help those who may be struggling or those who want to help others who are struggling.

Together, we can work to end the stigma around mental health and help those around us.

If you or a loved one is struggling, please call 988.

AIM Presentation - Connection Cures Contention
December 2023

We are excited to announce our presentation at AIM Utah’s luncheon by, Richard Godfrey. He has long been known for his talented presentations and this was another great event. We had a packed room of CIO’s and IT professionals who were introduced to Avec-Me.

He captivated the audience with Connections Cure Contention which featured an innovative concept, the WITH space. Mr. Godfrey unraveled how to apply these simple concepts to your company, family or friends. Connections can bring your teams and employees together and with our basic ideas this can make an impact.

By leveraging this notion of WITH space, he proposed how we can encourage productive dialogue, diminish disagreements, and inspire empathetic conversations. Godfrey went on to explain how a seemingly insignificant overlap could act as the initial stage of a robust bridge that not only connects individuals but also contributes significantly to mitigating conflicts.

Plant Manager & Supervisor Training
July 2023

We were excited for the opportunity to roll out Connection training for plant managers and supervisors at Hubbell’s locations across the U.S. Working with leadership and HR professionals we were able to bring the principles of “connection” to the front lines and the plant floor. We are so grateful for this opportunity.