My Mosaic

Presenting Camie HoDLmair
I am excited to introduce Dr. Camie Hodlmair, a senior member of our Avec-me team. Camie has deep experience in healthcare and community organizations. As importantly she is an active mother to four children.
Camie has spent the last year taking the foundational principles in our book Connection Cures Contention and making them more accessible, applicable and actionable for women in our communities.
Building on her own life experience – with its triumphs and near tragedies – she compares life to a mosaic – a beautiful expression of all of the pieces of life – intentionally assembled into a spectacular work of “life-art”.
Camie’s book will be released this spring. In the meantime, please enjoy these excerpts and share them with your friends, colleagues and families.
Once again – welcome Camie.
Richard Godfrey
CEO & Co-founder
Excerpts from the Book
He Had Dead Eyes
Memories of my husband’s health emergency come in flashes. Flashes of light from the police car. Flashes of noise from emergency responders barking orders. Flashes of the faces of concerned onlookers. Flashes of my husband’s face. He had dead eyes.
My life felt shattered, as if all the beautiful pieces of that life lay broken on the floor, destroyed by the few, horrific hours. The bright, beautiful colors of our family felt broken, random, lifeless and dull. I felt like the unpredictable, downtrodden, and pointless flecks on an ugly vinyl floor. Could I put it back together again? Would God let me? Would life, with all its craziness, unpredictability and pain let me? Would I have to wait for life to give me permission to move forward?
Am I just a “small piece of glass” playing a supportive role as a corporate wife? Am I the glue in my childrens’ mosaics, necessary but largely unnoticed or unremarkable? Am I a tiny glimmer lighting the mosaic of my patients as I help guide them to recovery? Or… do I have the audacity to create my own masterpiece? My own shining mosaic.
Welcome to “My Mosaic”, an interactive invitation to view the connections that create the unique, personal mosaic of a life. Creating your personal mosaic requires the very human equivalent of pieces of glass, solder, and a vision which come together in a beautiful piece of art- art that is you, me, that is each one of us.
Wherever you might find yourself, a little bit flawed and a little bit amazing, a little bit too busy and a little bit calm, or maybe feeling a little bit late for everything, I invite you to run a bath, play your favorite music, pour that perfect glass of wine and begin the work of connecting and creating all the pieces of an amazing mosaic that is you.

My Mosaic
The Golf Connection
Sometimes the cyclical nature of the golf swing efficiently transfers motion from the club head to the golf ball. Sometimes, that cycle breaks down, energy gets misdirected, and the connection between the golfer, the club and the ball becomes misaligned. This can result in torn knee cartilage, strained back muscles or a shot into a sand trap.
When examining some of the connections in your life have there been times where the cyclical nature of a relationship has broken down? Are any of these relationships currently in a sand trap?
My Mosaic
The Red Balloon
I refused to walk.
I simply refused. Why walk when there is always someone to carry me? Periodically, I would take a few steps if someone was holding my hand, but nothing could entice me to take those first steps on my own, not even being bribed with a cookie. And I love cookies.
It caused quite a bit of stress for my first-time parents. There was plenty of information to make them feel inadequate. Parenting books, well-meaning grandparents, or friends with older children. They did not hesitate to inform my parents, “It was about time that little girl started walking.”
This all changed one day when I was at the city park with my parents, and my favorite aunt bought me a shiny, red, helium-filled balloon. She tied the balloon to my wrist, and the gentle lift felt like a connection, and the security of having my hand held; then off I went toward the playground, stumbling and bumbling in my trek.
As a toddler, I needed the connection and security of holding a hand while learning to walk. Once the red balloon was in effect “holding my hand,” I stumbled toward my goal, even if the connection had changed a bit.
When have you needed a connection in your life to help you stand up and walk?
Book lands in February 2025