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Right, Wrong and Different 

Somewhere between the idea of “my truth” and “absolute truth” (at least from someone’s perspective) lies a way of looking at the world that has the potential to bring both ways of looking at the world together where “my truth” can live successfully with “the absolute truth” some others see, in ways that don’t require […]

The Wise Tree

leafless tree on snow covered ground

“Cancel culture” is a virus. It’s one of those viruses you can carry, feeling no immediate effects but that you can pass on to others–where it can have devastating outcomes. For the longest time, it seemed some people thought that promoting (or sharing) the cancel culture virus would never come back on them. How wrong […]

Is it People to the Jobs or Jobs to the People?

Person Holding 5 Euro Bill

Are you the only person out there who hasn’t used a kitchen knife as a screwdriver or the bottom of a mug as a hammer? Are you the person who always has and uses the right tools for the right job? Well, I’m not. I have to admit that I often use tools that are […]